Sabtu, 07 April 2012



Not many people know. Among the cluster of hills Sangkulirang, East Kalimantan, there are natural caves are enticing. The amount is not just a few, but dozens, even hundreds of caves. SANGKULI

Sangkulirang area in East Kalimantan is an area of karst caves with a lot of beautiful nature and interesting to explore. The caves were located deep in the forest areas are still among the region Ambulabung Pangadan Village. To reach this village and it takes no small cost, in addition to an adequate course of physical endurance. Of Samarinda, the trip can be reached by two ways, namely by water or land.

For the water route, the time it takes about 2 days. On the way, many interesting things that can be watched, such as ships carrying timber and mining, as well as the crocodile river known for its ferocity. When a landline option, rent a car from Samarinda. This method is preferred because it can be faster. But the cost is also greater. This trip takes about 7 hours and through the mining town of Sangatta, which is also the district capital.

Of Pangadan, proceed again to reach the mouth of the cave. This time using a rented truck as far as 31 miles and continued to walk for 9 hours, through dense forests and lowland swamps. Be prepared to spend the night on the road. And when that happens, the usual huts inhabited by deer hunters can be utilized and will be a special experience.

Actually, you can also rent ketingting or small motor boat. It is very effective to shorten the time. But, besides the cost is expensive, and even then it does not guarantee means you can reach the mouth of the cave with the smooth. Because, when the river is receding Baay, then walk down to the mouth of the cave remains to be done.

Having tired of fighting, a quiet and comfortable ground around the mouth of the Cave Ambulabung very viable as a base camp. Cliffs that rise high into the natural umbrella and protect from rain. Not surprisingly, the soil here is always dry and be a fitting location to drive tired. The river flows through the cave mouth Baay also should be wary. Herd of lizards often appear to bask on rocks in the morning.

Day is a great time to start the search in Cave Ambulabung. But be prepared for wet from the river that ran through the cave mouth. For safety, wear a life jacket too. Do not forget to include a camera, camcorder or other electronic devices into a waterproof bag and place these items on a bamboo raft made ​​to help the movement. After passing the river, a large room which covers more than 1,000 m2 is waiting. Although the atmosphere is a bit dark, this room was directly open to the sky with a sandy floor. This suggests that vertical tunnel turned out to be another entrance to the Cave Ambulabung.

On the walls are smooth, it appears many mysterious tunnel that is not known exactly where it goes. Search the halls were very heavy and take a long time. Because in addition to climbing, the caver should also do drilling to install safety devices. In the other corner, there is another hallway carrying a rushing river. If not equipped with proper equipment, do not enter it. Fatal accidents can happen. However, do not be discouraged. There are still a number of safe passage to be traced. One is a vertical tunnel as deep as 40 m. Hall about 50 m in diameter is similar to the enemy of good Luweng in Pacitan, East Java and is very challenging.

There are many other caves are seductive. For example Cave Dew, which when laced with Ambulabung still connected. This indicates that the cave cave cave Ambulabung not single but a cave system that has multiple entrance. Bejo cave is also interesting to trace. Name of the cave is rich in bird's nest was taken from the name of the resident owner of the cave.Unlike the previous two caves, Cave Bejo was quite short, so that exploration can take place quickly, just one day.

Kedulang Gua, and Gua Mapala Kecabe that is located some distance away, were three other caves waiting to be explored. Before reaching the caves, you will also find caves and Liang Mato Short Canal. There is also a huge cave in which there is fossil river known as the Cave of Juned. On one of his entrance, there are deserts Flowstone ankle with a charming giant in the roof. The cave's name itself is taken Mapala UI Mapala name as the first team to enter this cave. The team also gave the name to two caves 'virgin', namely, Barongtongkok and RPT.

Sangkulirang indeed a challenging location, given the breadth of this karst region and its many caves here. And apparently, there are still many undiscovered cave virgin and waiting to be explored by the caver. So, who would dare to follow?

Tips to the Karst region Sangkulirang

A. Prepare your physical and skill well. Regular exercise and targeted, highly desirable.

2. Sangkulirang region (and Kalimantan in general) is a malaria endemic area. Taking quinine pills or other anti-malarial drugs, prior to and returning from the scene, according to the instructions of use.

3. Sangkulirang area is very hot and dry. Bring a hat, sunglasses or umbrellas to protect you from the sun. Bring also a mask to prevent respiratory disorders due to dust or guano (bat droppings).

4. Complete your team with standard security equipment search the cave, either for horizontal or vertical cave, to avoid things that are not desirable.

5. Guide will be helpful as a guide to avoid the risk of getting lost. In addition, the guide can also serve as a porter and a communicator when you meet with seekers flock of bird's nest in this area. Remember, they may suspect you as a bird's nest robbers.

5. Into account the needs of logistics, lighting equipment, batteries and other vital needs that search goes well, because this area is still very isolated.

6. If possible, also bring a satellite phone to facilitate communication with the parties concerned, given the lack of mobile phone networks that reach this area.

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